Public Website - 2.0.01 Release Notes

Release Date: June 26, 2023

Page Display Improvements

The release of 2.0.01 addresses minor page layout bugs related to both the Park for Sale Ad details page and Classified Ad details pages. For example, when a user chose to add PDF documents to their Park for Sale Ads, the Documents button within the ad had zero spacing between it and the Share button to it's left depending on the screen size being used.

Additionally, when a user previously viewed a specific Classified Ad on their small devices, there was a large gap above and below the images. This gap forced the user to have to scroll up or down to be able to see additional information on the page.

2.0.01 also corrects an API bug that was related to the public Professionals page. Previously, when a user chose to cancel their account while being opted into the Professionals List, their contact information continued to display on our Professional page.

This release correct that so that when a user chooses to cancel their account, their contact information also stops being displayed on the public Professionals page.

SEO Improvements

Previously in build 2.0.00, there were several bugs related to our public website's schema code structure. While each bug was small and completely unrelated to the functionality of our site, it did restrict Google from indexing the pages within our site.

Build 2.0.01 not only corrects these bugs, but also continues to enhance how our public site interacts with search engines such as Google.

Based on feedback from our backend analytics, several adjustments were made to each pages schema code. These changes will not only help improve Google's SERP as they display in Google Searches, but also help search engines find and display our dynamic pages easier.

Additionally these changes will also allow Google to start relating the Park for Sale Ads, that are published by our users, to real estate listing searches using Google's "Real Estate Listing" schema category.

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