Editing Park Information in My Parks

In this article we will discuss how claimholders can edit a mobile home park or RV park's information after they have claimed their parks in the My Parks solution. 


Over time the information about MH/RV parks can change even if the owner hasn't. Owners may choose to change their phone number, add a website, build storage units, or even develop additional MH or RV lots.

Whenever something changes, claimholders can edit their park's information directly in the My Parks solution.   


  • Park Site - A layer of data specific to a park's location which is managed exclusively by our system administrators, and contains information about a mobile home or RV park's city, county, state, and zip code. 
  • Park Information - A layer of data that is specific to the park and managed by our users. Examples of information contained in this layer are a park's street address, phone number, website, Flood Plain status, Utilities & Streets information, number of mobile home or RV lots, amenities, and park contacts. 
  • Claimed - A Park Site status that is used to indicate when a user has claimed a park in the My Parks solution. Each claimed park will have a blue map pin if another member has claimed the park, or it will be purple if you have claimed the park.
  • Claimholder - A user that has claimed Park Site within the My Parks module. 


To edit the Park Information of a MH/RV park that you have claimed in the My Parks solution, please perform the following steps:

  1. Login into your MHParks.com account.
  2. In your Dashboard, click My Parks from the left menu. 
  3. On the My Parks main page, identify the MH/RV park you wish to edit, and click the Actions icon. 
  4. Within the Actions menu, click Edit
  5. Once the park's detail page opens, make the appropriate changes to the park's information.
  6. When you have completed all of your changes, click the Save button located at the bottom right of the page.
  7. Upon clicking the Save button, your changes will be reflected throughout MHParks.com. 

Note - If you have granted permission to another user to advertise your park in a Park for Sale ad, the Actions icon will not be accessible while the ad is published. Only the member advertising the park in a polished Park for Sale Ad will be able to update the park's information from within their Park for Sale Ad.

Important - A yellow highlight, for any park you have claimed, indicates that the park has no previous history of being updated by a user. In this situation, simply update the park's information and the highlight will be automatically removed.

For any questions that you may still have about this, or any other topic in MHParks.com, please contact our Support Team by emailing us at support@mhparks.com.

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