Public Website - 2.0.03 Release Notes

Release Date: July 12, 2023

Several new pages were added to the public website within this release. To help visitors to the site understand what our solutions accomplish better, we've now added a Video Tips page.

Within the new Video Tips page visitors can watch videos related to each solution. For the initial release we have a total of 10 video tips. Each video shows the viewer a specific task within a solution discussions related to them.

This page also provides the ability for visitors to filter the videos based on specific solutions or to perform a keyword search of each video's description.

Additionally, to show visitors how we are solving problems that are specific to the MH/RV park industry, we've also added a Case Studies page. Within this page visitors will be able to read real case studies as well as view a video that shows how our solutions solve to the problems within the case study.

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