Creating a Park for Sale Ad

In this article users will be guided through the detailed steps of creating a new Park for Sale Ad from within the Advertise Solution. We will also cover the difference between advertising a MH/RV park that someone else has claimed in the My Parks solution, and advertising a park that is either not claimed, or that you have claimed using My Parks.  


Because MH/RV park owners, and the brokers they hire to seller their parks, have the most current knowledge of the park being advertised, has built our Parks for Sale Ad solution to fully integrate with our Park Sites and My Parks solutions, after an ad has been published.

After an advertised park has successfully closed, we also push a snapshot of the advertisement and the seller's sale information, into our Sold Parks solution.

This allows our users to showcase their successful sales, while also providing everyone comparable sale information for MH/RV parks throughout the United States.

The first step to all of this is to create a Park for Sale Ad

Note - To learn more about our Sold Parks solution, please see our article titled Introduction to Sold Parks.


  1. Login to your account.
  2. From within your Dashboard, click Advertise from the left menu.
  3. Click the + Add New button in the top right of the main page, and select Park for Sale Ad from the dropdown. The New Park for Sale Ad wizard's Google Map will open. 
  4. While viewing the Google Map, you will be required to click the map pin that represents the park you wish to advertise. Linking the park with your ad, allows our system to track the sale history of each park.
  5. Based on the map pin color you have selected, you will have one of two follow options,
    1. Option #1 - The Next button becomes active - This occurs when you have selected a park that is either claimed by you (indicated with a purple map pin), or the park is not claimed by any members within the My Parks solution (indicated with a green map pin). In this instance you can simple click Next to continue creating your advertisement. 
    2. Option #2 - The green Send Request to Advertise this Park button appears. - This occurs because the park has been claimed in the My Parks solution by another member of (indicated with a blue map pin). If you are selling the park on behalf of the claimholder, simply click the Send Request to Advertise this Park button, and will automatically send the claimholder your request. (Hint -You will not be able to proceed with creating your advertisement until you receive the claimholder's permission.) The claimholder will have 10 days to either grant you permission to advertise the park, or deny your request, In either case, you will be notified via email. Once you receive permission from the claimholder, you may return to this step, select the park again, and proceed with creating your Park for Sale Ad.  
  6. When the Next button of the wizard becomes active, click Next to proceed to the Park Information step of the wizard.
  7. Complete the Park Information step by updating the MH/RV park's information and uploading at least one park image. Once your park's Information is correct, click the Next button at the bottom right of the wizard.
  8. The third step of the wizard is Sale Information. For this step, complete the information that is specific to your sale. This information will consist of details such as the title you wish to give your ad, asking price, CAP rate, and more. Once you have completed the Sale Information step, click the Next button located in the bottom right of the wizard to proceed. 
  9. The final step of the wizard is Ad Banding. This step is where you choose to brand your advertisement so viewers will know how to contact you. By default the Contact Information and images of the Ad Branding are populated from the values within within your profile. Simply choose to use the default values or change them to the correct information.
  10. Once you have correctly branded your ad with your information, click the Save button in the bottom right of the wizard. 
  11. After you have saved your advertisement the Preview and Publish buttons will become active in the bottom left of the wizard. If you choose to close the window rather than proceeding to Publish, your advertisement will display in your list with a Ad Status of Saved.

Note - For security purposes, only allows a park to be advertised by one member at a time. If a park is already being advertised by another member, you must wait until the other member's advertisement has completed. 

Note - The park's information from your advertisement will only update the park information in Park Sites after you have successfully published your advertisement. 

Warning - For security reasons, if you have been granted permission by another member to advertise their claimed park, you will only have 10 days, from the date they granted you permission, to create and publish the park's advertisement.

After 10 days, if you have not published your ad, your permission will expire. When your permission expires your ad will automatically be deleted from the system without notice. In this event, you will be required to start the process over by requesting permission from the claimholder again, and creating a new ad.

Warning- reserves the right to suspend any advertisement that has the appearance of impropriety. If an advertisement is suspended there will be no financial credit given for the time it remains suspended. 

For any questions that yo may still have about this, or any other topic in, please contact our Support Team by emailing us at

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