Build 2.0.00 Overview Notes

Release Date: June 1, 2023

The release of 2.0.00 brings an entirely new look and feel through out the entire website.

Previously our public website focused on displaying our user's advertisements within our advertising categories on the homepage. This caused many of our users to miss the opportunity to learn about the solutions we offer the MH/RV park industry.

To correct this we now display our solutions within the home page while users can view advertisements that have been published to the site by using the ADS dropdown menu within the header of each page.

To compliment our new graphical look, we've also simplified our site's messaging. The simpler cleaner site look, combined with our new messaging is designed to reduce the confusion of what exactly our site offers when visitors first come to our site.

Within the dashboard users will see dramatic changes both from the GUI and functionality perspective of our individual solutions. Many other enhancements will go unseen to the users as they are related to the sites underlying core data structure and APIs. The restructuring of the core datasets and APIs will now allow for an easier redesign of turning the existing Contacts solution to a full scale CRM system while also offering our users a future implementation of a Parcel Data ad-on option within the Park Sites solution.

For basic information about functionality enhancements within each solution, please see the articles below:

For additional questions or comments please contact us at

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