My Parks - 2.0.00 Release Notes

Release Date: June 1, 2023

As with all the tables that display within the user's dashboard in 2.0.00, the main table within My Parks, which displays the parks that a user may have claimed as their own, also now offers a much cleaner look and feel.

Additionally, users can now resize each column within the main table to accommodate displaying the fields better on various display sizes.

We've also added the functionality of automatically alerting the user that a park's information needs updating by highlighting the park's record in yellow. This yellow highlight will appear anytime our system was the last to update a park's information.

Previously when a user chose to edit a park's record using the Edit option, from within the Actions menu, the edit page would display the calculated Total Mobile Home Lots and Total RV Lots field within a locked textbox field.

This had a tendency to give the user the expectation that they could change the values within the textbox rather than updating the associated fields that were used to calculate the values. To correct this confusion we have now changed the calculated values to display in a label rather than a textbox.

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