Adding Linked Ads to a Contact within Contacts CRM

In this article we will cover how to manually link an advertisement that you have published using the Advertise solution, to a specific contact stored within Contacts CRM.


Occasionally, it can be import to know which user's advertisements a specific lead or contact has viewed in the past. This can help the user to identify what mobile home parks, or goods, the contact may be interested in. Additionally this type of information can also help the user understand their marketing strategies within each ad.

Because of the integration between our Advertise solution and our Contacts CRM solutions, this history is automatically recorded and displayed with the contact's Linked Ads tab.

Alternatively, a user may wish to manually link a specific advertisement to a specific contact during a phone call or personal conversation with that contact.

Note - To begin using Contacts CRM, you must have a paid plan.

Note- Because a of the integration between our Advertise and Contacts CRM solutions, Contacts CRM automatically records when a contact has view a published advertisement.


To manually add a advertisement to a specific contact in Contacts CRM, please perform the following steps.

  1. Login to your account. 
  2. In your Dashboard, click Contacts CRM from the left menu.
  3. While viewing the Contacts tab, locate the contact you wish to link an advertisement to. (Hint - Use the filter or Search field to help locate the correct contact)
  4. Within the Actions menu of the specific contact, select the View option. 
  5. While viewing the details of the contact, click the Linked Ads tab on the left of the details view.
  6. Within the Linked Ads search field start typing the title of your advertisement.
  7. Click the corresponding advertisement, once it appears within the dropdown list.
  8. Click the Link button to add the advertisement to the contact's record.

Upon clicking the Link button, your advertisement will be linked to the contact's record.

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