Managing Contacts within Contacts CRM

In this article you will learn how we have structured the records stored in Contacts CRM as well as how to access the Contacts you store in Contacts CRM. For additional information about how to manage a company that a contact may belong to, please see our article titled Managing Companies within Contacts CRM.


We've structured Contacts CRM so that you have two types of records. One record set is for managing each of your Contacts and the other is for managing each of the Companies that your contacts may be associated with. Users can simply join the two records by linking them either from within a company or a contact. For more information about linking Contacts and Companies please see our article titled Linking Contacts to Companies within Contacts CRM.

By structuring the records within Contacts CRM in this manor, we ensure Contacts CRM can account for real life situations when a single contact may belong to multiple companies.

This method of structuring also reduces the number of times a company's information may need to be manually entered into multiple contact records. Reducing the number of manual entries help ensure data consistency for times that you wish to filter records.

To help users understand the difference between the Contacts tab verses the Companies tab we suggest referencing the following definitions.

  • Contacts Tab - Contains individual people that are considered either a Lead or Contact
  • Companies Tab - Contains businesses that employs individuals.

Note - To begin using Contacts CRM, you must have a paid plan.


To manage records related to Contacts within Contacts CRM solution, please proceed to the Contacts tab of Contacts CRM by performing the following steps.

  1. Login to your account. 
  2. In your Dashboard, click Contacts CRM from the left menu.
  3. Within the main page of Contacts CRM, click the Contacts tab located on the main page of Contacts CRM.
  4. In the Actions menu of a specific contact, select one of the following options:
    1. View - Allows the user to View and Edit the record.
    2. Delete - Allow the user to Delete the record.
    3. Print - Allows the user to Print that specific record's information.

Note - Users can link existing Contacts to a specific company by simply using the Linked Contacts tab of a company's record. To learn more please read our article titled Linking Contacts to Companies within Contacts CRM.

For any questions that you may still have about this, or any other topic in, please contact our Support Team by emailing us at

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